Saturday, February 9, 2013

Baby J

I had the pleasure of taking some pics of little Baby J and his parents. He is actually cousins with The H Girls from my Valentines shoot. He is a little over a month old so I knew that some of the newborn looking stuff wouldn't work. I have not photographed a baby yet so it was a new and exciting experience!

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Handsome New Nephew

My new nephew is pretty dang cute! I was lucky enough to get a few newborn shots of him at 5 days old. Big brother was napping so I didn't get any of the whole family, but I was able to capture a few great moments! 

This is my second newborn shoot, but my first lifestyle type shoot as normally I shoot outside or in my house where I know where all my light is. This house (which is my father in laws house) has the worst light ever! Then it was cloudy and began to snow. Needless to say I was very nervous on how my lighting would be. However, I think they turned out decent enough. 

I can't wait to get some with big brother! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

The H Girls

How freaking adorable are these two little girls! I was certainly lucky to be able to take their pics for my Valentines Mini Session. They loved the candy, of course! I loved that they are both so photogenic! I am really enjoying the vintage backdrop. The lace belonged to my mother, and the suitcase belonged to my great grandmother, so not only does it look just darling it is also very sentimental.

Broke My Vow Valentines Pics

So I broke down and did a few pics of Tristan for Valentines Day. I have been wanting to work on my vintage editing, so I did a vintage background. These are just a few of my favs!

Friday, January 11, 2013

My January Vow and Valentines Pics

My poor son has been the subject of my photography for 8 months now, and I can tell the kid is getting sick of the camera in his face. Not to mention, sometimes it is good to just put down the camera and enjoy the memories with your child instead of concentrating so much on capturing them. So I vowed to not take any pics this month of the little man, and spend more time connecting with him.

However, this leaves me with the itch! The itch to take pics, especially with the oh so cute Valentines Day coming up. The heart and flower backgrounds get me every time. Not to mention my absolute LOVE for Boudoir photography. So if anyone is interesting in doing some adorable Valentines pics of their kids (like these of little man from previous years) or doing some Boudoir pics as a gift for their husbands, let me know!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Baby Lyrik and My First Newborn Shoot

I have known for awhile now that I would be doing a newborn shoot. I tried to prepare for it as much as could. Stalked newborn photography stuff on Pinterest, read lots of blogs, and tried to come up with lots of ideas. I tried hard to remember what happened at Tristan's own newborn shoot (you know cause 2 years ago is actually a VERY long time in mommy world.) I felt prepared. The day came, my amazing husband helped me set up the white sheet on the wall. I had the portable heater going, the white noise on. I had all my props nearby, as well as baby wipes and burp clothes. I was nervous to handle a newborn again. They are so tiny! I snapped away, and this is a little storyboard of my favorites. Lyrik is so gosh dang cute, and his mommy and daddy are just sweet as can be. It was a great shoot!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Reece and My First Studio Attempt

An old friend from high school asked me to take some 1st birthday pics of her adorable daughter, Reece. I said of course! Besides the holiday pics, most of my photoshoots have been done outside. However, I have read up a lot of indoor make shift studios, and I am thankful my house gets pretty decent natural light. So I taped up my white sheet, got some balloons and streamers and made a make shift background and snapped away. Reece was a doll to photography, very different than my own child who will not sit still for anything. So I got a lot of face shots of baby Reece. I put together this cute little storyboard of some my favorites. I just love her big brown eyes!

I have to say that my little studio did great for my first time. Of course there are always things I want to change, things that ironing the sheet so I have to do less smoothing in photoshop. There was a big sliding glass door to her left, and my front door was open to the right but there just was not enough light from the front door and there was more shadowing that I would have liked. But overall I am very happy!